Sunday, December 7, 2008

Second Flight of Blue Note

Second Flight of Blue Note. It was a pretty good flight except the drogue charge did not fire. Lucky it came in with a flat spin before the main parachute charge fired. No damage so I am not complaining.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Thanks to everyone that made it happen. Julies my great wife and Austin Area Rocket Group.

Launch this last weekend

Had a pretty good launch this weekend. Blue note went up on her maiden flight and I had a shadowhawk also fly for the first time. Both rockets were recovery except my main chute did not deploy on blue note.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Some Primer pics of Blue Note

This was my first attempt using automotive paint. I was half successful. I had to resort back to high grade spray paint for some of the rocket. I finish everything else this weekend and the final pictures will be up once the decals come in.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ejection Test

Testing the ejection charge. Its a little much but I am happy the shear pins broke and the chute deployed cleanly.

Monday, October 6, 2008

New Color Scheme

Here is the a first draft color scheme. Any feedback would be great. I am finishing up the fin can now and looking for a November launch!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Video of launch done August 30th 2008.

Here is some onboard video from my camera that was attached to Sam Barone's rocket. Thanks for the ride Sam.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Unnamed project is now named

The rocket will be called blue note. I decided on this mostly due to the name I gave my rocketry operation. I named my rocket operation JAZ Rocketry (Julie, Alexa, Zoey) and anyone familiar with jazz knows the blue note label.

Friday, September 26, 2008

New unnamed project

Its my new unnamed project it will be just under 8 feet high and I hope to have it done by the end of October. Hopefully my low explosive users permit will be sent by the ATF by then.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Frisco Launch 8.30.08

I had a little trouble finding the group this morning as they moved to a different part of the field than the last time I went. I saw a rocket tumbling in the distance and followed its landing spiral to find my friends. Great launch today with an F42t motor and boostervision camera. The rocket was my Loc weseal named Green Bay Packer Barber. The video feed was hardwired to my rocket and had some distortion but I taped it to Sam's Barone rocket and it worked perfectly. Figures, I need a true rocketeer's rocket to get my video hardware to work.